Monday, December 26, 2011

Hey, that's my boy!


We have a little romance that has blossomed here in the last few days between my soon-to-be-son and a girl in his class. We're not too happy about it because, in the past, there have been children who have decided not to be adopted because of ties to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does a parent do in this case? I've learned over the years (from my father) that when you try to tear two people apart, it just makes them cling that won't work. I'm not even his parent yet, and technically we have no rights over him. We tried to keep Roman really busy today, but this girl came around at 5 and said that "his teacher wants him.",,,  "mmmm". I just want to say, "leave him alone, you little hussy. He's only 14 years old", but I keep my cool..she is a nice girl and is only a child herself....It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Mama's not happy, but I'm trying to be cool.

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